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About This Guide

​How to Use This Guide

The purpose of this guide is to highlight resources to infuse global perspectives into everyday lessons. Some areas are specific to my local education community while others are for the education community at large. 


By exploring the tabs, you will find multiple resources that can guide you to the why's, the how's, and (hopefully) spark your inner creativity. I've chosen a few technology resources from the literal hundreds that currently exist. These paired with the globalized writing unit are a "quick win" to help you get started. PLEASE explore on your own using your favorite lesson and technology. Believe me, your students WILL appreciate it!



This guide was developed as part of my Capstone project as a Fellow in the 2016-17 Teachers for Global Classroom Program. Funded by the U.S. State Department's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and administered by IREX, it provides opportunities for teachers to learn about global education and embark on a travel experience. For me, this is to Indonesia! I can hardly wait!


My first blog post is up about my soon-to-be adventure to Indonesia with Teachers for Global Classrooms. TGC is a program sponsored by the International Research and Exchange Board and funded by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) of the US Department of State.  


Global education prepares students for the participation in the changing world. Through global education, students learn about the interconnected nature of the world we live in and collaboration to solve global problems.


The tenants of global education are diversity, inclusion, tolerance, respect, equality, and cooperation. 


Understanding the World Through Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Study

Globally competent students:

-Investigate the World

-Recognize perspectives

-Communicate ideas

-Take Action

Why Global Education?

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